ICCS Release New Accreditation Logo for Qualified Coaching Supervisors

ICCS Release New Accreditation Logo for Qualified Coaching Supervisors

The International Centre for Coaching Supervision (ICCS) released its new accreditation logo for qualified coaching supervisors who have successfully completed its coaching supervision programme.

new accreditation logo for qualified coaching supervisors

This seal of accreditation can be used by coaching supervisors on their websites, social media pages or other marketing materials to verify their qualification and completion of the Diploma in Coaching Supervision from the ICCS

The ICCS offer a developmental and engaging coaching supervision programme, which bases the assessment of its students on the discernment of the supervisor, supervisee and peer group assessors through a collaborative dialogue. 

To qualify, aspiring coaching supervisors must attend at least 80% of the live sessions, participate in reflective practice group sessions, complete a demonstration of supervision, acquire at least 25 hours of coaching supervision, and submit reflective case studies and personal research essays on their inquiry of choice. 

Upon successful accomplishment of the programme, students will also receive a certificate for completion. 

READ MORE: How Do I Qualify? 

If you are a qualified coaching supervisor from the ICCS, you may request for your accreditation logo through: info@iccs.co.

Interested to undertake this coaching supervision course? Explore our Coaching Supervision Training