In this interview, Rachel Dungan, known as "The Pharmacist Coach," shares her unique journey into coaching supervision.
In this article, learn practical steps for coaches to incorporate supervision into their practice, enhancing business and client outcomes through structured integration.
Discover essential skills required for coaching supervisors, highlighting the professional growth and development associated with this advanced role.
Explore the Professional growth benefits and expanded career opportunities from training as a coaching supervisor.
Learn the key distinction between coaching and coaching supervision, providing insights into the unique journey of becoming a supervisor.
Discover the difference between coaching supervision and mentoring, detailing how each role supports coaches in their professional development.
A guidance on selecting an appropriate coaching supervision training course to match your career goals and professional needs.
Explore common questions and concerns coaches have when considering a transition to becoming a coaching supervisor.
Exploration of coaching ethics in supervision, including an introduction to ethical maturity and the IIS-IIS model.
Tips and strategies for using social media effectively to expand your coaching supervision practice.