Planning Begins for the ICCS Coaching Supervision Summit 2021

Planning Begins for the ICCS Coaching Supervision Summit 2021

Planning has begun for the inaugural summit of the International Centre for Coaching Supervision (ICCS).

The summit takes place on 22nd & 23rd September 2021 and will feature a range of international speakers and workshop facilitators with the theme of Coaching Confidence From Crisis.

Set to be an annual event hosted by ICCS, a UK based coaching supervision school, the event aims to provide a unique space for supervisors and coaches to connect over two days of reflective learning, discussion and exploration.

Nick Bolton, ICCS founder and CEO, says, “Unlike traditional conferences in this field in which supervisors talk to supervisors about supervision, we want our summit to bring supervisory ideas directly to coaches. Our aim is to move away from the more typical inward-looking conference to an outward-focused conversation that helps coaches see what supervision is all about and which makes a lasting impact on their practice.”

Bolton continues, “We all know that this has been a difficult year in so many different ways. The pandemic, the economy, social change, even maintaining everyday relationships. Coaches have had to work through this with their clients helping them face their challenges even as they manage the changes in their own coaching businesses and lives.  We want to draw the lessons from this experience whilst also offering new ways to think and work as coaches that can build greater confidence and competence.”

The summit will be conducted virtually with topics including a range of approaches to coaching, the coach’s sense of self, professional ethics and standards, coaching competencies, and more.

To kickstart the event, the ICCS have brought together a steering group of supervisors and coaches to draw up the programme and turn their vision into a reality.

Cat Burnett, Community & Events Manager for ICCS is leading the project and she hopes to attract around 300-400 coaches and supervisors from around the world.

More details will be announced more details soon but to be put on the notification list, email Cat Burnett at